A Unique Lab System
Computer Lab

In these computer labs students receive up to date knowledge with regard to the modern trend in computer education under the proper and pertinent guidance of computer experts who not only teach the students working of different software but also impart knowledge of hardware repairing. Here the student also get the golden opportunity to surf high speed internet in order to procure knowledge on diverse fields of study. Our computer lab is an epitome of our institutions. There is no denying that the bookish knowledge of the students is supplemented with the practical knowledge gained in the computer lab under the proper training of our computer teachers.
Physics Lab
If you cannot picture it, you cannot understand it. Our qualified & experienced faculty members staunchly support this viewpoint & so we make the best possible efforts to acquaint the students with the practical aspect of the subject. Lab is well equipped with instruments like Potentiometer, Optical benches, Sonometer, Resonance tube etc. required for various experimental purposes. For better understanding of the concepts we have also added instruments like Fortin’s barometer, Zener diode apparatus, n-p-n transistors, Polaroid, logic gate apparatus etc. in the lab. Charts & Models on various topics like Electricity, Heat & Thermodynamics, Mechanics, Optics and Magnetism also find a place in the lab. Time to time, the students are encouraged to make projects & working models so as to inculcate scientific temperament.

Chemistry Lab

To invent, you need a good imagination & a pile of junk. Our faculty members focus on this aspect. To imagine & invent something novel we have well equipped chemistry lab. The lab consists of instruments like distillation apparatus, centrifuge, viscosity appa ratus, Kipps apparatus, balances etc. Various polythene ware, porcelain ware & glass wares like conical flask, burette, pipette, test tubes, and beakers find a place in the lab. Chemical apparatus like Bunsen burner, burette stand, water bath, crucible tong have been provided for experimental purposes. Rexin coated charts provide information on topics like periodicity of elements, shapes of atomic orbitals, Isomerism, Metallurgy etc.
Biology Lab
Biology is the science of life. To vividly capture the glimpses of the living we have well equipped biology lab. Lab is well furnished with instruments like microscope, models etc. required for various experimental processes.
An array of chemicals have been provided to early out biochemical have been provided to carry out biochemical processes like testing of salivary amylase sugar content, urea content & blood urine. Various specimens related to morphological studies & even depicting life history of mosquitoes, honey bees also find a place in the lab. Beautiful models of ear, heart, brain, DNA have also been placed in the lab.