
ELIGIBILITY: Attendance should not be less than 75%.

• Pass Criteria: 40% in each subject.

• Chance of improvement examination will be given in one subject only after obtaining 25% marks in that particular subject.

• MEDICAL: No medical certificate will be entertained in any test except in genuine cases about which the details are given below and brought to the notice in time. Assessment in the following cases will be determined on the basis of three Unit Tests and one Terminal Exam:

a) Prolonged illness—Intimated in advance.

b) Loss of father/mother or any other incident of serious nature.

• Absentees in any unit test/Examination will keep no claim for Re-test at a later date.

• LATE ADMISSION: No weightage will be given due to late admission. However, candidate admitted on migration after having passed half yearly Exam, the attendance and performance of the school last attended will be taken into consideration.

• Failure in two successive years in the class will not be allowed to continue in the school.

• SUBJECT INCENTIVE: To outstanding students as per performance in sports, cultural, debate, declamation and inner involvement in school/ District / State/ National level and on over all conduct during the session. Incentive will be given at the time of final results only.

• For satisfactory progress of the child, we expect the parent should meet us after every examination and unit test. All possible guidance and co-operation will be provided for improvement of the child.